The Joy of Families
I believe in families. I believe in family togetherness, in the security, love, and devotion that only a close family can provide. I believe in the joy of children, their laughter, their music, and their radiant faces. I believe that families hold the future for the human race, because the bonds forged within families can endure forever.
Four years, eight months, and thirteen days ago, I held my newborn sister Cassandra in my arms for the first time. I felt her heavenly warmth and tasted of the joy that my own children would someday bring me. I was then convinced that families bring the greatest joy that can be felt in this life, and I knew that I would raise a family to experience the joy and satisfaction that children provide.
Children are the best investment in the future. We pass to them our hopes and dreams. I have seen the passions of my parents magnified in their children as we have strived to open our minds, expand our abilities, and excel in our pursuits. These efforts prepare us to support our parents and return on the investment of time and love that they have given us.
Fundamental units of human life, families allow us to make mistakes, learn, and improve, and bind us to the people that we love the most. These precious interactions prepare us for our lives ahead, afford us invaluable occasions of delight, and help us to deepen our capacity for human love and devotion. This I believe.